Sunday, November 1, 2009

"No More Breakthroughs!"

No more breakthroughs! That’s rule number 1. Rule number 1 is the very first, clear-cut, unequivocal, categorical rule, official rule that if broken, could result in SugarAnne’s first, clear-cut, unequivocal, categorical, official punishment spanking. She's deathly afraid of those. You see, we’ve been dilly-dallying around with “this thing we do” experiment. Talking an awful lot (can you talk too much about it?) and experimenting a little – but not too little. For the most part we’ve been enjoying the connection, the tenderness and the intimacy that has blossomed through this week's spank proceedings. This past week has resulted in real joy. It has magnified the love in our hearts. In short, it has injected electricity into a relationship that was headed toward an nearly irreparable destination. Yes, the spankings have been painful, I realize that. But except for the “fiasco” spanking has only amounted to foreplay in a week of lots and lots of lovemaking. Throw in the “fiasco” and it’s really just been foreplay for a life of “this thing we do”. And all of that is not a bad thing by any means. But I realized I needed to cut the edge: to stretch, to slice the borders - if just a little bit - for SugarAnne’s benefit and growth. And for mine too.

For example take rule number 2: “Girl up a notch”. It’s designed to cut the edge in this spanking experiment. SugarAnne is now under instructions to “girl up a notch” when she is commanded to prepare for her spanking. She may have been walking around in the nervous excitement of anticipation all day. But at the moment she is instructed to prepare for a spanking, she is to “girl up a notch”. Meaning: If she just rolled out of bed, for example, perhaps she’ll put on a pair of white, pink, yellow or light blue “regulation” bikini panties; or do something as simple as running a fresh comb through her hair for her spanking. If she is dressed in jeans and a T-shirt perhaps “girling up a notch” could mean putting on a pair of earrings or applying lipstick for her spanking. If the command to prepare comes and she is already all dolled up for ballroom dancing, perhaps “girling up a notch” is to add an anklet, necklace or a just hint of cologne for her spanking. SugarAnne is to add or do something noticeably “girly” (“girly shit”) to her appearance as part of preparing for her spanking. I think it's important for her to participate, anticipate and wrestle with the nervous excitement of being on the cusp of a global warming. If I have to follow through with a harder than anticipated spanking for non-compliance, well, that's a growth point for me.
But back to rule number 1. There’s nothing I hate more than reaching back to wipe and my finger punctures the toilet paper like a hanging chad and lodges itself up my shitty asshole for an instant. I’m serious people! That is not my vote! An instant in that situation is too long! I’ve been keeping us stocked in Charmin for over a year. The other stuff is okay for her bathroom. I don’t care about that. I haven’t been in there for several months. But sometimes when SugarAnne buys toilet paper, um, sometimes, it ain’t Charmin. How can this be?! The last batch she bought wasn’t Charmin and for the past few weeks there’s been an occasional, um, breakthrough. I was reminded of the difference when we got down to my new stash of Charmin the other day. There was genuine sense of “Ahhhhhhh! This is gooooood shit!” going on when I wiped. I ran into the den and propped myself down on SugarAnne's prone form and queried excitedly, nodding feverishly, "Good toilet paper huh? eh? right? huh? eh? Good stuff right?! huh?!" That's when I set down rule number 1.
Listen, we are mindful to recycle. But I don’t make my “green” sacrifices at the expense of the brown. Okay, I admit rule number 1 is a very shitty rule. But I don't care. I'm breaking through by setting down Rule Number 1: “No more breakthroughs!”

photo credit: toilet paper dress, joel cote-cright

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