Where the hell were you when I met SugarAnne?! I’ll tell you where you were. You were nowhere. You were frickin’ nowhere because you weren’t even launched until August 2000. Hell I was already stir frying in the marital wok like moo shoo pork.
But if you were there back then we would’ve been the same – or at least similar. We would have the same interests, hobbies, principles and habits. We would have the same (bing!) hell, I coulda married myself if you were here back then.
Instead we’re opposites. We're virtual opposites. It’s gotta be some kind of miracle that we get along at all. God probably keeps us together so that he can have a really loud belly laugh at lunch when he’s standing around the water cooler with legions of angels.
Damn you EHarmonyDOTcom! Damn frickin youuuu!! How am I supposed to get along with someone so opposite of me?!
She is a starter: with all of her great ideas and zeal up front;
I’m a finisher: Deliberate determined committed to the very end.
I am a morning person: More done before 7 than most people do all day;
She an evening person: Often awake for a while after I’ve crashed out.
Me? Even-tempered and unexpressive;
She? Emotional: face quick to betray her feelings.
The other day she woke up with a face longer than an early morning shadow. I didn’t know if she was in a “crumble into a puddle of tears at the drop of a dime” sorta mood. Or if she was on the cusp of vomiting up the slime of some perimenopausal demon. My first thought was to “paddle whack her knick knack”. That’s always my first thought because it tends to help her (and it gets the dog a "bone"). But that’s never my only thought. I try to do something else before I take that route. So I decided that we would shower together.
If you had existed back then EHarmonydotCOM I’m sure we would’ve figured out that:
She likes hot showers; I like cool showers.
I like short showers; She likes long showers.
Uuggh!! Frickin’ ugh.
Where were you when I needed you?! I had to discover all this the old-fashioned way because YOU WEREN’T THERE!
I didn’t wanna retreat on her. Retreating makes the day worse. And I didn’t want to tolerate this mood of hers. Tolerating makes for a mountain of resentment. I wanted to move her out of this. I wanted to be e-ffective: to go in there and slay this embryonic beelzebub; and I wanted to be a-ffective: to move her body with my body. And I needed to do it in way that was beyond rubbing up against her like a horny leg-humpin’ dog. Even though she likes horny leg-humpin’ dogs.
So borne of a desire to connect (and my own pure genius of course), I said to Her Royal (on the edge of depression) Sweetness,
“SugarAnne, we’re going to ‘bridge’ our showers today.”
"’Bridge’ our showers? “The long early morning shadow had scrunched up like the bellows of a hard pressed accordion.
"Yes ‘briiiiiidge’ our showers.” The short "i" arched from my chair creating a bridge to her ears on the sofa.
"What do you mean ‘bridge’ our showers?”
I crossed the bridge and plopped my nakedness prostrate upon her own and began my horny leg-humping dog routine. I DID NOT learn that from you EHarmonyDOTcom. I thought of that leg humping thing all on my own! You probably don’t even have any horny leg-humpin’ dog questions on your website do you?
“I’m going to go in and start my shower” (hump-hump)
“We’ll shower for a short time together” (hump-hump, winky-wink)
“And then I’ll leave you to finish at the temperature of your liking” (humpity-hump-hump-hump).
“Got it?” Slow nod. “That’s ‘bridging’ our shower. That way we get to enjoy each other.”
And that’s what we did. We 'bridged' to connect and it saved the day. That’s how we’ve handled our many acute differences: we connect with bridges.
Me, I’m essay (see this “wordy-logged” blog); Her, she's storyteller (see her word efficient blog).
She's drama (she picks the best movies); I’m romantic comedy (I pick the worst movies).
I’m cats (“Cats are just animals”); She’s dogs (“Dog’s are people too!”).
She’s a maximumist (every open space must be filled!); I’m a minimalist (“Put that thing away!”).
I’m socially conservative (“Just do the right thing”); She’s socially liberal (“Just do anything!”).
Our bridges range from the precarious rope bridge requiring lots of blance; to tippy toe wood bridge with the missing planks; to sturdy concrete bridges that are easy to walk across. They keep us connected and yet we remain ourselves.

And in that regard “this thing we do" is a huge suspension bridge that handles lots of paddle traffic.
We're as different as Brooklyn and Manhattan SugarAnne and me. But we're the same city - connected by our bridge. She’s she. And I’m me. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. God knew what he was doing when he brought us together EHarmonyDOTcom! He knew we would've never, ever found each other through you.
Miserably Happy and in Love Without You
and you'd be bored to death if she were just like you! She keeps you on your toes, interested, intrigued and alive. I tell Grant all the time "THAT's my job, to keep your life interesting!"
ReplyDeleteSara: I'm one of my favorite people. I love hanging around me. ;) But, like protons and neutrons, our stark differences create an incredible amount of energy and and awful lot of power. Sugar and I have learned to take advantage of that in the many areas of our life where we are different. The polarity is especially powerful and exciting in TTWD.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment Sara.
Who wants to be with someone just like them? I have wondered that ever since EHarmony started making commercials. Life would have no excitement what so ever.
ReplyDeleteWil and I have a lot in common but we also are completely different personalities like you and SugarAnne and that's what keeps life interesting. I'm the thinker, he's the doer. I'm the jokester while he is usually serious. We even each other out and it works.
Whats funny is when I saw the title to this post I thought it would be about EHarmony not having spanking questions on their forms. Once again I was wrong and pleasantly surprised by another great post. And hmmm, maybe even a little more insight for the preacher and his wife in the story I am writing!
As always reading your blog has brought a big ole grin to my face..and given me a great idea on "bridges" lol..thanks
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Baby Man, JJ and I are also total opposites. I like your term "bridging;" I used to believe in my younger days that the "two becoming one" was merely the sexual union. After 27 years, I realize that it is the meshing of two entirely different people into one. "Bridging" our differences makes for ONE strong marriage!
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine anything more boring than to be paired off with someone exactly like oneself. It sounds like a bad science fiction movie. If the e-harmony formula is as wonderful as it claims to be, then people will just start marrying their own clones.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was little we would travel to Ocean City, Maryland every year and we used to have to cross the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. It was always so exciting going across the choppy waters of the Chesapeake several hundred feet below, sometimes feeling a strange sense of dread worrying that the car might go over the edge, sometimes feeling a certain satisfaction knwoing once we crossed that bridge we were entering another world and all our worries would be behind us on the other side. Bridges are great metaphorically speaking, and you have made wonderful use of them, both in text and in the picture you chose to accompany your blog.
ReplyDeleteOf course, as a kid you really have no notion about the world, so I thought the Chesapeake Bay Bridge must be the biggest bridge in the whole world. Reading your column, I can now see I was clearly wrong.
Beautiful! Your 'bridges' are right on. And you are so right about! My husband and I are so very much in love but I know if we had ever filled out any kind of matchmaking list we wouldn't have been on the same planet.
ReplyDeleteNow that not saying it's not a good place to meet people. And I'm really happy for those that have met that way but sometime the old hit and miss works pretty well too.
ReplyDeleteI was saying to Sugar just yesterday that even with our stark differences I always knew (even in our mad, mad, mad B.S. days) that God had picked the right one for me. However I did spend too much time (and energy) trying to make her my "mini-me". It's much for rewarding this way.
And we would be just about as happy as we can be to provide fodder for Raymond and Stevie!
I’m glad to make you grin and flattered to be an inspiration! Thanks for the visit.
Thanks for the compliment. You’re opposites too?! I’m getting the feeling we’re not alone. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone but you have to agree once it’s figured out it’s a heckuva lotta fun!
Jersey Devil:
Welcome! Aw c’mon man, Narcissus didn’t’ find it boring. Just fatal. Who woulda thought that the completely opposite (no pun intended) situation would bring such joy and abundant love. Good to see you again!
You know, I’m familiar with that dreadful feeling of falling off the bridge. I’m reminded of it whenever we slip back into our B.S. (before spanking) days' modus operandi. It’s not just her and HER moods either. I have my own moodiness and insecurities to deal with. Luckily it’s a big bridge and we can catch sight of the edge approaching. Thanks dude, your comment was well spoken.
I would be hesitant to fill out one of the match making questionnaires with SugarAnne. I just might find out what I’m really like! Our differences, notwithstanding, do show that the “ole hit and miss” (there’s a spank pun in here, I just can’t find it right now) works pretty well. Thanks PK!
you know before you meet your better half, you've got this image all cut out and you want her like that & feel you could settle with a person like that and most probably that person is a lot like you. most of us probably think we're attracted to a type ( man or woman ), but you know what all that goes down the drain when you meet and fall in love with a person, it doesn't matter she's not your so-called 'type', it doesn't matter that she's not what you wanted, it doesn't even matter that she's your exact opposite, all that matters is that she makes your life more beautiful and more wonderful and that you love each other :)
ReplyDeletewishing you all the love till the end of the world!! :)
Great post! Davey and I are opposites too, in many ways, but the same in one way...we are deeply in love with each other. Opposites bring out the best in each other, complement each other. One's strengths are the others weaknesses...and vice versa. Hugs xxx
ReplyDeleteAnd you love her because she is different to you. Much more fun:)
ReplyDeleteWonderful post BabyMan.
Alujna: You are absolutely right! What an awesome comment. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteDaisychain: Complementary. What a great word and an equally great m.o. for opposites. We start a project together on her energy (and great ideas) and I finish the project on my energy (and great ideas). At least that's what we try to do. You and Davey must be awesome! (I had to remove the crack about the laptop. You weren't the blogfriend that posted about that, oops. My apologies, sincerely) :) Good to see you!
"I love her because she's different you. More fun."
Hm...that MAY be it. But I but I do know that I love her because I just can't help myself. That's fun too! Thanks Ronnie
BabyMan, I LOVED this, and I can totally relate!
ReplyDeleteThanks Ally!
ReplyDeleteBabyMan - Great post! With TC quite literally being from the other side of the world, it's safe to say we've had to bridge a few "differences" as well. He and I are like day and night, but oftentimes figuring out the logistics of each new bridge can be quite entertaining, and finally being able to cross them is a wonderful feeling. Thanks for the post!
ReplyDeleteNot just the OTHER side of the world, but a different world entirely! (And I'm talking about you gals!). I don't know what you find entertaining but - well, I guess I do know what you find entertaining...after all, like us, you guys ARE spankos (my first public admission, I think).
TTWD is a bridge over trouble waters that leads to "moon river" ;)
To correct the misconception that eHarmony matches you with a clone... nope. I met my honey through eHarmony, and we are not clones. He is evening person, I am morning; he's a Republican, I'm a Democrat; he is much neater than I am. I do think we match on general energy level, and a few other things, but clones we are not. Get along great though!
ReplyDeleteHello Jane...Welcome! How wonderful it is that you've met someone through eHarmony who is not a clone of you. It is not only a testimony for eHarmony but also a credit to you and yours and the work you put into your relationship. All good news! Thanks for the excellent comment.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing part of who you and Sugar Anne are with us readers. I never knew before today that a guy could be total fore play while a girl could just want to hurry up and get to the sex. That's breaking out of the stereotype for sure. Very enlightening, and thank you. :)
ReplyDeleteDon't you always hear opposites attract? I think it always makes the marriage more interesting and yes, a challenge. I love reading your posts, they always make me smile.
Bonnie-jo: Welcome to the blog!
ReplyDeleteIn sex she's every man's dream and I'm every woman's dream. But it's a nightmare for us!
But in the past few months we've been working toward the middle very nicely I must say. Thanks for stopping by.
Opposites attract yes, but like oil and vinegar you gotta shake 'em up to get any real flavor. We're "sh-sh-sh-shaking AND snapping our fingers" and it's a wonderful tune we're dancing to. Thanks Katia.
This is my first visit to your blog..thanks to PK. I am laughing out will not be my last visit..and i will try to catch up a little! Great, entertaining post! Abby
ReplyDeleteHi Abby. Thanks for taking a looksee. You're blog will be easier to catch up on than mine. I better get back over there. Thanks for your comment.
ReplyDeleteLOL, no problem! xxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteawful language for a preacher to be using, please clean it up some
ReplyDeleteAnonymous: thanks for stopping by.