Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sadie Hawkins MY Ass?! Uh, No.

One of my favorite things about our early morning pillow talks is just being naked. Naked physically, naked mentally (save the cobwebs of sleep), and naked emotionally. Pillow talk is when me and SugarAnne discover things about each other that come from a naked place. A vulnerable place. For some reason during these early morning talks we are more conducive to revealing some unknown fact, or secret desire, or even some previously undisclosed embarrassing (even shameful) event in our lives. For some reason, I think we are more readily accepting of each others quirks and kinks and lapses in judgment during our pillow talks.

The value of these early morning talks far exceed the risk of the occasional argument. And since we began “this thing we do” the richness of our pillow talk has produced some of our most profound moments of relational connection and growth.

If you’ve read SugarAnne’s blog lately, you know that one of our most recent pillow talks had a ring of Sadie Hawkins Day to it. "The basis of Sadie Hawkins Day is that women and girls take the initiative in inviting the man or boy of their choice out on a date [or, in our case, to a spanking], typically to a dance [a spanking party?!] attended by other bachelors and their aggressive dates."

My brackets [-] tell you where I’m going. Now here me right, I wouldn’t say that SugarAnne has been “dying”, as they say, to spank me. But, she is very interested in having me know how it feels to be spanked. She’s mentioned it here and there over the past couple of months (mostly before or while she's being spanked). The topic injected itself into our Pillow Talk recently prompted by Charlie’s post reporting that her Tom went under the knife, so to speak, of a professional disciplinarian so that he might better understand Charlie's side of the experience  in "this thing we do".

Let me say right here and now that I have a lot of respect for Tom through what he’s done. And I mean that sincerely. He is quite a guy. Perhaps more man than I’ll ever be. And I also fully accept my personally imposed implication for imputation in his sacrifice. In other words, I contend that he did it for all Tops so that all Tops would never, ever, ever have to do it themselves. I would love it if he posted about his experience so that all of us Tops might share even more deeply in his sacrificial experience.

But to think that I, BabyMan, would even consider such punitive surgery, even for the sake of science or sacrifice, well… (voice trails). (I figure at this point the eyeballs of many bottoms are scraping the top of many ceilings). But waitwait&wait, whoawhoa&whoa don’t go jumping down my proverbial throat. Well, jump if you absolutely must. However, howEVER, if I did consider it, I would have to wonder about a couple of things.

On the one hand:
If it hurts, the spanking that is,(and spankings truly hurt, I know that they do, they simply must with the way this woman thrashes around and screams and shouts), if it truly hurts, in the future she would likely not get the type of spankings that she needs. Because, the thread of estrogen that runs through me and makes me the nuturing, kind, loving, sensitive, patient, forgiving husband that I am (and now completely understanding thanks to Tom's courageous sacrifrice - hurry up with that post man!), would be inclined to take the edge off any future spanking. She just wouldn't get to that "place". And of course we don’t want that, now do we? (I see some eyes rolling).

And on the other hand:
What if I liked it and it became a burning need for me (I won’t like it; it won’t become a need; and it won’t happen - but let’s just say rhetorically, IF it did), SugarAnne would not be able to follow through with the fulfillment of that continued need. She’s just not wired to advance this beyond mere novelty. I’d be left hanging out there with this burning need to be "spanked like I stole something". And of course we definitely don’t want that, now do we? (Roll on.)

“I know Sadie Hawkins, and SugarAnne is no Sadie Hawkins.”
Sadie was a homely girl. SugarAnne is hot.
Sadie had to be aggressive to get a date; SugarAnne would have to be aggressive to go dateless.
Sadie probably had to spank her man to keep him [captive], SugarAnne can easily captivate a man who needs to be spanked.

Just so you know, it’s not about squeezing testerone out of her like the rising puss in a hideous pimple. SugarAnne is by no means testosteroniacal. And besides, I have great admiration for the level of genetic spunk the good Lord has blessed her with. But I truly love what Dark Knight said in his mountain climbing post, “Submission from a woman with some spunk [makes the Sugar] so much sweeter”.

So suffice it to say, Sadie Hawkins my ass?! Uh, I don’t think so.


  1. LOL

    While I appreciate that this is all in humor -- I would say that there's no one that doesn't know what it feels like to be spanked (at least no one over the age of 30) since most of us were spanked as kids.

    But one of the things I admire about my Dom (and I realize that we're most likely into things that you might not be into) is that he has had all the things done to him -- that he does to me (well -- all those he's physically capable of) so that he knows better what feelings he causing me to's his way to make sure he doesn't hurt -- uh -- damage anyone.

    It's hysterical hearing him describe how much he hated almost every single thing he delights doing to me.

    enjoying your blog


  2. valid points BabyMan,,, but i think SugarAnne is still going to keep asking :) :)
    hmmm but you liking spanking... that i can't see happenin ( no offense ) LOL
    take care

  3. (Rolling eyes) Sorry, had to, couldn't resist.

  4. Yeah, I kinda figured this was what you would say! @@

  5. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Seriously, I would not WANT my Davey to be spanked. The whole point of TTWD is for him to be the one in control.
    I need for him to be the strong one, not the sub. I am no sub. I am strong... so if he became a sub, how could I see him as even stronger than me, ever again?

    Gosh, that post was so FUNNY!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  6. Oh come on! Seriously, you are willing to beat her ass on a regular basis and you're too afraid to take it yourself? What kind of man are you? I say if you don't have the courage to do it even once, and I feel that you should know exactly how much each and every single implement you use on her ass feels on hers, then you shouldn't have the RIGHT as a man to ever hit her again.

    How is she ever going to respect you now if you are such a coward in front of her? Besides, you know she isn't half as strong as you. You've gotta take it, and you have to take it the way you give it to her, with each damn thing you use on her ass. Beaten until you yell, cry, past crying, beaten some more, and then more again.


  7. sfp:
    Welcome. You’re right; this IS funny.
    And also right again. Well almost right. I don’t remember ever being spanked as a child. Unless you count being whipped with an extension chord. My brothers often wondered why I stood there and didn’t cry out loud when they ran all over the house screaming to avoid it.
    I’ve gotta give it to your Dom: Stud! Thanks for stopping by.

    Ah…Alujna: Of course she’ll keep on asking. That’s part of her sweetness. Oh…and not offended at all by your inability to imagine me liking it (lol). I’m glad you commented.

    Jenn: Nice eyes. I’m glad you didn’t scratch your cornea on the ceiling. ;-)
    Thanks for being here.

    Gettin' to know me,
    Gettin' to know all about me.
    Gettin' to like me(?),
    Gettin' to know what I’d say.

    Am I so predictable? (or consistent?)

    You enjoyed that as much as I enjoyed sharing it! Thanks, that’s encouraging. And I’m sure – just beneath the surface – Her Royal Sweetness feels just like you do. Thanks for stopping over.

    Ooo...sounds like someone scratched their corneas on the ceiling. ;)

    “You've gotta take it, and you have to take it the way you give it to her, with each damn thing you use on her ass. Beaten until you yell, cry, past crying, beaten some more, and then more again.”
    Ooooo that almost sounds titillating. Have you considered writing fiction? ;)

    Thanks for the comment, and sincerely, thanks for stopping by.

  8. BabyMan!

    I think we may have the same friendly, anonymous commenter :)

    At any rate, I really love the way you portray the morning "nakedness," in every sense of the word. I aspire to one day have what you and SugarAnne have, which I know will take years of experience and lots and lots of love. But what you both have is beautiful. Really.

    I think Tom may start posting to my blog, so I'll see if he can bear to share his sacrifice with everyone. (Haha)

  9. Great post BabyMan,

    Like I commented to SugarAnne, I definitely don't see you or Wil running out and getting spanked anytime soon. I agree with Daisychain, I just can't see an HOH being spanked, but then again to each his or her own.

    I think since you asked SugarAnne to participate in TTWD not the other way around that I can see her point of view. And yes, she probably will continue to ask it's what makes your relationship so much fun to follow!!!!


  10. BabyMan - Loved your post! I guess I can see your POV, although I definitely see SugarAnne's a bit better... ;) Personally, I think I would lose a tad bit of respect for TC if he allowed himself to be spanked, although his doing it as a sacrifice for me would definitely make up for that. In the end I guess it's up to each individual couple. You and SugarAnne seem very happy with your life together, so obviously you not getting spanked works okay for the both of you. Right? ;)


  11. Welcome Charlie (Sharlie?):
    Yes, same friendly admirer is how I think of it.

    You don’t have to wait years. Sugar and I were just saying that we were sooooo different just 8 months ago. She says it’s a “God thing”. Besides, you two already sound like such a wonderful couple. One to be emulated and admired.

    And I look forward to hearing anything from Tom. Thanks for peeking in.

    Thanks Janet.
    If I were asked beforehand I would’ve guessed that you felt like Daisychain. And you nailed the soft spot in my position: me asking SugarAnne to participate in TTWD. But it’s a very hard soft spot. Your comment, as always, is as encouraging as it is appreciated.

    Thank you so much.
    And if you just cover the eye that sees SugarAnne’s position (it’s the eye that rolled), that’ll clear up much of the fuzziness. ;)

    Honestly, I really think all of these Tops are great guys. Men to be admired with strengths to be emulated. What’s working for each couple is what works, and nothing else works better until they decide something does.

    And right, what we’re doing really works for us.
    Always a pleasure hearing from you RW.

  12. What an interesting post. I understand the thought process(I think) of the doms who do this for research.

    BUT, even the thought of my big strong man submitting to someone this way... I just can't see it. I can't even imagine him in a submissive role, not for a second. And I like that I can't picture him as any way but in charge. That's part of why we work.

    Fun, interesting, thought provoking post. :D

  13. Thanks gg:
    It sounds like for you, that it would be like pulling out the one peg that causes the entire structure to come crashing to the ground. Well, maybe that's an OVER-exaggeration. But I get what you mean. Thanks for surfing through.

  14. The only thing my lizard spanks is my monkey.

  15. Neo Dom Tom: LOL!

    Thanks for the look.


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