Thursday, July 1, 2010

"Let the Jelly Roll!"

Call me shallow. My name might as well be BootyMan rather than BabyMan cuz, frankly, that’s what I am: a booty man. SugarAnne’s bottom inspires me! I mean that. It inspires me sexually (you know what I’m sayin’?). It inspires me socially (can you say “trophy wife”?). And, dare I say, it inspires me spiritually (as in, “OmG is she frickin’ hawht!”). Psst…I think she’s become a milf! (I hope that’s complimentary).

Lately I’ve been as protective as I am desirous of SugarAnne’s gorgeous behind. In fact, I’m on a mission to save the right amount of bottom fat because I need (yes, capital N-E-E-D need) to see some mature woman jiggle with this youthful new wiggle she’s got going on.

Since we began “this thing we do” nine months ago I’ve watched SugarAnne go from really good looking, to looking really good, to really great looking! In that time she has managed to span the full spectrum of what I prefer in a woman physically. At the beginning if she had put on just nine more pounds she would’ve risked dousing the home fires. Now, here it is nine months later and she's 25 pounds lighter. If she takes off nine more pounds she’ll land her booty in the same hot water (although cold might prove more soothing).

Just to prove that I’m not completely shallow, over those same nine months I have not fail to observed and deeply appreciate a mature grace that has swelled and is flowing from within SugarAnne. A kind of grace that rarely comes without the benefit of years.

She said to me recently, “I still can’t get over the fact that each one of those people are going to die”. When she said it (more than once) she wasn’t watching the devastation of an earthquake or some other natural disaster. She wasn’t tearing up, as she is wont to do, at the 4th of July season’s tireless replays of 9/11. Nor was she being befuddled by the memory of hurricane Katrina, which has found its resurrection in the darkened waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

Nope, she was just watching people. Everyday people doing everyday things. People at an art fair. Sitting in a stadium. Sunbathing on the beach. No specific catastrophe had invaded her existence to warrant the sober thought of death. No tragedy – save the pervasive calamity that time will swallow all of us into the vacuum called eternity.

The statement, although tinged with darkness, is not only revealing in its compassion for others but it also brought with it a flood of clarity to what I’ve been seeing in SugarAnne. SugarAnne appears more alive than at any other time since I’ve known her.

Over the past nine months, her episodic depression have gone from a weekly horror series to a once a year comedy special. She’s divorced herself from “Camel Joe” and his nicotine laced lung darts. She is more comfortable and at peace with herself than ever before. And more confident with others too.

Her vibrancy is attractive; her radiance magnetic. The benefit of years has been a blessing. Side note: for some reason this maturity fails to manifest itself during a spanking. (Even though her biscuit has a radiant glow when it’s all over.) And, I submit, that getting in shape is just added gloss to SugarAnne’s shine. She “gets her sweat on” 5 days out of the week; she has a taken a firm grip on her diet; and, like I said, she has reduced the rate at which gravity tugs by nearly 25 pounds (actually accomplished in three months!)

I love my wife. I’m diggin’ all of her. But frankly, I lust (capital L-U-S-T lust) after her butt and I don’t want no narrow booty. I love her cello shape. I love to look. I love to see. I love the jiggle of maturity (rhyme not intended). I love that she has a four stroke bottom: eastside (right cheek); westside (left cheek); northside (upper cheeks); southside (sit spots).

Don’t get me wrong she’s not threatening anorexia. But I'll be watching every one of those nine pounds with an eagle eye. What can I say? I’m as shallow as the next guy. BabyMan needs some butt to buff. I'm not looking for rows of jelly, but my preference is still: “Let the jelly roll!”


  1. nice post BabyMan,
    SugarAnne look out looks like he's a man on a mission, he wants those 9 pounds on you! Better watch out :)...
    And before hand spanking don't seem to working BabyMan LOL

  2. BabyMan,

    Maybe I can talk some sense into her. Does she realize how much more it hurts to be spanked on a bottom without a little natural padding!!!! Believe me I know from experience.

    It is so incredible how you love your wife, SugarAnne you are a lucky lady indeed!!!

  3. Yes, have to be careful, weight can come off the bum all too easy, I know and P wasn't too happy.

    Lovely post BabyMan


  4. Alujna: You're right, mission in progress. Thanks dear.

    Janet: I'm certain she won't lose all of her natural padding - just my preferred amount of padding. And I guarantee that I WILL be encouraging her with every stroke that padding is beneficial.

    Love? Lucky? Did you hear that babe? (Boy, I wish I was married to me! LOL! Without the spankings of course!)

    Ronnie: My fear, P's pain. That husband of yours is a guru! LOL. And thanks for the compliment.

  5. BabyMan -

    Booty "men"..sigh. You sound just like J. He loves mine and we have had this weight argument over and over again..and he always tells me "You can lose it anywhere else you want..but your keeping that butt!" Lol. What gives? I agree though that it is probably better to keep a little of the padding!

    On a more important note, I am very glad to hear that Sugar is doing so well. I think you are equally lucky to have each other, as you both sound like wonderful people. I know that Sugar has become an invaluable online "friend" of mine (she is really very wise and her words have helped me through a lot of issues) so I consider myself lucky to have her too! Lol.

    Take care

  6. Jenn -
    Yes I agree, we ARE equally lucky to have each other. And I am happy that SugarAnne is of value to you as well.

    On a more important note: I agree with J completely! So "do the ice cream and cake" if necessary.

  7. Awww.... I'm so glad you guys are so happy. The love for each other shines through! She should still remember to call you though, even though its July now! LOL
    And, IF ONLY it did come off the butt easily! I lose my boobs first, lol !! xxxxxxx

  8. Thanks Daisychain. Quite happy. So far so good on the phone calls. And I'm sure Davey is quite happy with both your butt and your boobs.

  9. Shallow my foot. You seem like a man who loves his wife, wants her to be healthy and is willing to help in what some might call an unconventional way but one we all know can really work.

    I hope all continues to go well for the both of you. Thanks for dropping by my site and I hope we can talk more.


  10. I love reading your posts because they always make me smile.


  11. PK: Thanks. Yes, I think I'll keep her - even if all doesn't go well.

    I look forward to seeing you too!

    Katia: I'm there's a smile in there for you. Hopefully that will continue.

    Thanks y'all for the comments.

  12. Having a partner at your side who offers depth when you are in that 'line of work' means everything. Knowing you helped 'birth' it after nine months has to feel good. Being able to be visually drawn to her on societal standards - let's just say you are living right.

  13. KayLynn: You said it!

    However, the blessing of SugarAnne is undeserved. But imagine if I did start living right?! Perhaps Santa would put a bigger booty under my Christmas tree?

    Thanks for the visit.

  14. :) :) :) You made me smile and giggle.

    It was wonderful reading about your admiration for your wife in getting healthy and your adoration for her new sexy figure.

    There's some really funny stuff in this post.

    You've a great sense of humor and serious writing skills! *grin*


  15. Thanks HEDONE. Thanks for looking in.


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