Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"Progressive Evolutionists"

She said, “Yes Sir”. She didn't click her heels together. There was no stiff bodied posture of military “attention”. No crisp salute to the forehead. There was no mockery whatsoever in the tone of her voice. She was not bending under the threat of a spanking or some other unseen pressure for that matter.  "Yes Sir”. It just rose like a bubble from somewhere deep inside to the surface of her being and popped right out of her mouth:

"Yes Sir" (bah-loo-p!). There it was. Simple. Sincere. Sweet.

It wasn’t an accident. And yet, it wasn’t intentional either. At least it did not appear to be. And even though there were several people around, two of whom were in the actual conversation, she displayed no noticeable shame or embarrassment.

The “Yes Sir” bubble hovered in the air resting on" bah-loo…" for an instant’s instant. Everything stopped - or at least it seemed to stop. Just froze. And then it burst (-p!) and the fragrant mist of SugarAnne’s submission rained down upon me. Apparently that was the signal for everything to begin moving at normal speed again. Because that’s exactly what happened. Everything started moving as if nothing had happened. But something had happened. Something different, and yet, something quite natural. My only acknowledgement of it was a courteous, “Thank you”, as she moved with immediacy to honor my request. I didn’t think there was any need for me to make a big deal out of it. She didn't. It just was.

“Yes Sir” (bah-loo-p!).

I guess I’m trying to say that I did not create this “Yes Sir” moment. I did not make a demand in the morning to be called “Sir”. Being called “Sir” is neither a need nor a request of mine. It is not a staple of my dominance. It is not a criterion of her submission either. Although I recall one time – just once, a single occurrence – I made her say “Yes Sir” by heat of paddle, through force of will, under the auspices of “Submission Day”. And even then she needed a skin graft (I jest) and I needed rotator cuff surgery (not true, but you get my drift) before she involuntarily voluntarily hiccupped those two measly words.

She has struggled with this "Yes Sir" thing. Her comment to Serenity on this very topic:

I could never bring myself to do it. Even though I know that BabyMan deserves all the respect and reverence I can muster, it just won't come out of my mouth. I have, on occasion, referred to him as "Sir" during and instant message when he made it clear that I had crossed the line in some way. But to his face, I could never bring the word to my lips. 

Perhaps it would easier for her to say “Yes Sir” if she were made to bend to my will with percussive encouragement. Except, when it comes to “this thing we do”, I am not a creationist. I am more of an evolutionist – and a progressive one at that. If bending to my will, listen, if bending to my will does not mean she's rising to her self, then I find very little satisfaction or benefit in it.

Later in the day I caught myself studying SugarAnne. Just looking. Looking that look that a lover looks when you're wondering and thinking a thousand unexpressibly deep things about the one you love.

Deeply affectionate things like:
I’m glad we’ve found each other.
I have a lot of respect for you.
Life is good with you.

And deeply shallow things like:
Wow…nice booty!
Great tits!
I should just take you and have my way with you right now!

Deep or shallow - I didn’t say them. I just wondered them to myself. These thoughts began to warm me through from the inside out. And before I knew it – bah-loo-p! – out came the one sentence that captured all I was thinking.

“I like what you have become”, I said. She turned and gave me a soft inside smile.
And do you know what she said to me? Guess. She said, “I like what you have become too”.

How about that?! I guess in “this thing we do” we’re both progressive evolutionists.


  1. oh, thats just beautiful. It seriously brought tears to my eyes. I am so thrilled for you both. Hugs xxxxxxxxx

  2. Lovely BabyMan, hugs to you both


  3. Beautiful! Sometimes the smallest acts are the most powerful acts of submission.

  4. That was just lovely, and resonates with the truth of TTWD...that it cannot be coerced or forced but must spring from within to be the real deal. Good for you both and congrats!

  5. AWESOME...That is an incredible gift from SugarAnne. And what you are giving to her as well is a wonderful gift. It is so heartwarming to see the growth in you both over these past few months. What makes TTWD even better is just when you think you have stopped growing as a couple something new arises and you realize that the growth is far from over. In fact I don't think we ever stop growing.
    So Happy for you both!!!!

  6. Aww…Daisy, thanks!

    Thanks Ronnie.

    It seems that whatever is contrary to conventional wisdom carries that kind of value: “Dying in order to live”; “being last to be first”; being humble to be exalted”; and, “being weak to be strong” to name a few. Paradox has such great power. It is no wonder that the “smallest acts are the most powerful acts” having the biggest value. Thank you for your very wise comment.

    It is the truth about TTWD and many areas of life as well. I wouldn’t completely rule out some coercion. Although that wasn't the case here. But what is being coerced must be at the core of the individual subject to the coercion. Like you said it "must spring from within”. Obviously that takes quite a bit of knowledge of that person and a bunch of discernment as well. Thanks for the affirmation.

    Janet? Janet who? Where you been guhl?!
    We’re looking forward to the continued growth you’re talking about. Glad to hear from you!Thanks for the love!

  7. Yay! What a big step for SA! This is incredible! Okay, maybe that's getting just a tad too excited over it...but really, I think Janet is right in that - WOW, what an expression of Sugar's love and respect for you! (I knew she could do it, lol)
    Anyway, this is one thing that is often harder for some of us than it is for others. I am required to include those "two little words" in my vocabulary, so I hiccup them quite frequently..but it no longer bothers me to do so. (It did, a little, at first). But now, much like Serenity, I am at the point where I speak them freely, willingly, and with genuine respect and sincerity. But it sure took me a long time to get "here", that is, to this place where I'm happy, comfortable, and can (and will) address my Husband as "Sir". Instead of bothering me, it now fills me with a sense of pride because I know that I am loving him, serving him, and submitting to him to the very best of my ability.

    Here's to (hopefully) many more "bah-loo-ps" in the future. Lol.

    All My Best,

  8. "If bending to my will, listen, if bending to my will does not mean she's rising to her self, then I find very little satisfaction or benefit in it." I hate this sentence. But I think it's probably one of the truest things I've read from you so far. You are not creating something out of nothing.... and she has to be an active participant. I say I hate this fact, because it gives personal responsibility to both top and bottom. I don't want responsibility...

  9. Jenn:
    You mentioned “genuine respect”. I didn’t mention that in my post but I think perhaps that’s one of the things I was sensing: genuine respect. SugarAnne is not devoid of genuine respect for me. I just never observed (or noticed?) her expression of it in this way. As always, I want to continue to be worthy of her respect however she chooses to expresses it.
    Thanks for your excited comment!

    I hear ya sister! I hate responsibility too. Each item of responsibility is like a rock in the pocket: The more you have the more weighed down you feel. But I also find that with just the right amount of responsibility I stay grounded, humble and down to earth. And when I add more in a progressive way, a way that is compassionate to my personal capacity to handle it, I actually grow stronger. After a while they become less a responsibility and more a springboard to incredible strength and growth. Add a partner willing to share the responsibility and that spells two evolving individuals, making a strong couple, living a binding love and experiencing incredible growth. I hate responsibility but damn I love those benefits.

  10. Babyman,

    Months ago you planted the seeds of TTWD in SugarAnne. You watered, cultivated, even weeded her garden. What can BUT happen in the end, BabyMan??? Seeds that are sown deeply and given the loving care of a devoted husbandman can only produce rich blossoms of fruit. When love and respect are so deep and full, SugarAnne cannot help but offer up the fruit which you have tenderly (well, she may not say it was always so tenderly, LOL) and lovingly propagated.

    In the short time I have known SA, I have seen the rewards of TTWD blossoming in her and it is so motivating to me. I think it's amazing how God designed the roles of dominance and submission to be dependent upon the other, and when they are both in their rightful place, a deeper love so rich, where words can't even begin to touch the surface, evolves. I think you have only seen the beginning......... :)

    This was beautiful, thanks for sharing your heart.


  11. BabyMan,
    You have a knack for addressing the very thing that has just then been tormenting me. I do feel sometimes a strong desire to call my husband Sir. It burns in my brain, but i can't get it out of my mouth, it feels silly or young or - well - honestly maybe more openly submissive than i can do. If he were to demand it or ask for it, i imagine i could do it - although probably somewhat grudgingly. Instead, he waits. Hopefully i will be able to come to the point that SugarAnne has.

  12. Kady:
    Thanks for your comment. You make the work sound like it's worth the delicious fruit it produces. We're looking toward a greater harvest. Thanks for the compliment and the comment.

    Your husband sounds like a good man; patient; allowing you to grow into yourself on this. I'm sure that whetever expression of respect you offer up will be fine with him. You are fortunate to have him.

  13. BabyMan - Wow, I see I'm two posts behind on your blog! How could that happen? Lol! Seriously, though, this is one of those posts that gives me "warm fuzzies." The beauty of what SugarAnne offered you in those two little words, as well as your response to it, is absolutely breathtaking. No, really, it is.

    This topic hits home for me as well. Like you, TC doesn't require me to address him as "Sir," and while the word seems to be on the tip of my tongue quite frequently, it only infrequently manages to escape into actual verbalization. TC being slightly less "naturally dominant" than you (or so it seems), it actually makes him a bit uncomfortable to hear it (his response is usually something along the lines of, "Wow, you're calling me sir. I'm not a police officer..."). On the other hand, there have been times when it's come out quite naturally for me and he has seemed to enjoy and appreciate it without feeling too uncomfortable. His view is much like yours: Whatever is truly "me" at my best, that's what he wants me to become, naturally, over time.

    Thank you for a beautiful post. I just might share it with my "sir." ;)


  14. Very nice post BabyMan, Sugar seems like a very content woman. So much mutual respect there, its nice to see.

  15. RW:
    I doubt if TC is less “naturally dominant” than I am. He seems to have his stuff together as far as I can see. We're all growing and that's good. As long as he desires for you to become the best you, what else does he really need (other than a certain wall decoration – with the Chinese characters on it? lol)?
    Thanks for catching up. You have more productive things to do (like reading the next post after this one).

    I’m glad you enjoyed your visit.

    I desire for her to be content, respected and loved – and well spanked (lol)


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