Monday, March 29, 2010

"First, He Said..." Part 1: Leaning Leads to Falling Sometimes

This is a scary post for me. Because it leaves me exposed. That’s what I like about it. It means I’m leaning just beyond the edge of my comfort zone.

Late last week an uncharacteristically crude post appeared in this space. It has since been removed (along with an equally – if not more – crude post from February). Mind you, I find nothing wrong with the crudeness of these posts. I do not think that they exceeded the etiquette of an anonymous blog setting. If such an etiquette even exists. I even assumed that it might offend some who might be following this blog. That’s not the problem I had with these posts. That is not why they were removed. Additionally, the posts were not lacking in truth or authenticity – at least as to the extent of their content. That is not why they were removed. There are two reasons why these posts were removed. The first I have lightly alluded to: leaning beyond the edge of my comfort zone. So let me expound on the first reason first.

I am persuaded that leaning beyond my level of comfort, my edge, is essential for my growth. As I strive to reach the fullness of myself in any area of life I’ve always believed that it is essential to step just a little bit over the edge – out of my comfort zone. I have found that especially true of my Developing Domdentity”. For me, being HoH is a struggle of monumental proportions. A struggle against a veritable tsunami of inculcated societal norms and popular culture ideas that, simply put, say, “Hey! Don’t do that!” I have a clear idea of where I’m going in TTWD and confess that I am a bit anxious to shed the confining strait jacket of upbringing and misguided feminism.

Leaning beyond the edge of my comfort zone is not a bad thing. It’s a good thing. It’s a good thing, that is, until I make the mistake of so aggressively violating that edge, that it actually leads to a distortion – if not false – presentation of who I really am at the moment. After all, isn’t it in the moments where life is played out - for real? Isn’t it in the moments where life is lived - for real? Isn’t it in the moments where life is enjoyed and love is made - for real? Clearly the moments are for being real. These posts were an aggressive violation of my edge. In other words, although they were how I felt, they are not authentically who I am.

I'm not so concerned about the external “presentation”. That's least important to me. I mean, where else can one go to express themselves in a socially unacceptable way but their own anonymous weblog? But when I aggressively violate the edge of my comfort zone in that way, there is an internal distortion of myself – a lack of authenticity – that goads my soul toward higher wisdom.

At the root of it all is my fear; fear of not advancing; fear of not growing. My fear of not being the man, the husband, the champion, the hero, the HoH that I desire to become. Fear has sometimes left me short on effort. I don't wanna be short on effort in "this thing we do". That’s the last thing I wanna be. But that same fear sometimes makes me lean way too far. Aggressively far. This lack of compassion for my own comfort zone – and the fake fearlessness – invariably leads to falling – and oftentimes foolishness. Both are regression – especially foolishness. And regression immediately puts one into recapture mode, that is, trying to recapture past advances rather than moving on to new ones. So wrapped up in all this you can see both the reason the posts appeared: fear of stagnating and a desire to grow. And you can see the first reason for the removal of the posts: I reached too far out of myself.

The second reason for removal of the posts began a quake that would shake my Domdentity to its core. It created personal consternation, prompted self-examination and exposed all of the self doubt that that bleeds through the first reason for removing them. You can imagine what a personal struggle it was for me when SugarAnne strongly requested that I remove the post.

One of the reasons I struggled with this was that she wasn’t able to explain to me why she felt it should be removed. Nevertheless she was highly upset. So in an attempt to appease her, I initially edited the post. Grossly edited it. In a lot respects I was okay with that. But she wasn’t. I had already reconciled on a personal level that the post really shouldn’t be up there. I knew I had aggressively violated the edge of my comfort zone. I knew it wasn't me. I didn't fool myself and I didn't fool the person who commented, "Are you all right BabyMan?"

But at that point to totally remove a post that concluded with the bold statement, “Cuz-I-can!” would clearly send the message that, well, “I can’t”. She wanted it removed. Totally. Completely. I needed an explanation. I didn’t want to remove it based on her request alone - without a clear explanation. If I did that it would be a death blow to the Domdentity I was already struggling with. Who’s blog is this anyway? And what was she so hurt, angry, mad about. A couple comments made her look like the envy of the TTWD community that day.

My developing Domdentity spiraled downward with the plans of the evening. And by the time the beams of the morning sun sprouted above the horizon, it had unraveled completely. More about that struggle in Part 2.

Here’s what “She Said…”.


  1. Babyman, honestly, I would have been upset too. I posted a comment to your post, thought it was funny if crude, but sure would not have liked it if it were about me. I also completely get that this confuses you. Maybe it's a guy girl thing? Or maybe it just has to do with differing sensibilities. I am not sure, because my husband's are more conservative than mine, and I keep tripping over them.

    A comment aside, I think that honoring your wife's comfort level with something like this has nothing to do with your dominance. Dominants do what they can to keep their girl safe, happy, content. They care about her feelings, sensitivities, sense of well being, and of anything compromises that, they are the 1st to want to fix it. As long as what I need or want does not compromise the relationship, or my husband's needs...I come 1st. For us that devotion is part of what makes TTWD work.

  2. Thank you Sara. Your wisdom seems always to be on point - and appreciated.

  3. Babyman,
    I can only tell you what I would want from Henry, if were in the same situation. I am less experienced obviously, so my comment comes more from what I want from this lifestyle. I would not be able to tell Henry at the time of the incident.The thoughts that I am sharing with you are from a place in my heart, without having had but a very little personal experience. I would want him to address my disrespect and disobedience, NDAI, because that is what I would be working on (and I am) while developing my submissive side. I NEED his help with this! But before he did that, I would personally hope that he would have already come to a place of understanding my own objections, emotions and reaction during the incident. This would only be procured through a long discussion, with many well thought out questions from him. (This is something that does not come easily to Henry and he is only beginning to realize the importance, for me) Once we both had a clear understanding of the misunderstanding (of why and how it happened) and he was sure that his head was in the right place, I would want him to clearly convey what he thought went wrong and why, and how my actions (disobedience ie:leaving), were clearly not contributing to a better understanding on his part. They were actually only further aggravating our battle of wills. Wives do want to be heard, we are protective of our emotions, we want our husbands to understand our emotions and be protective of their tenderness. We also want our husbands to be strong and caring leaders, and we know that leading is hard to do. Sometimes that means a dreaded (from both sides) punishment. But I both want and need the security of knowing where the line is, being told that I have crossed it, being punished for crossing it- consistently, even when I think that he has done something to contribute to the overall disagreement. Like Sara always say, this is what we agreed to. We both need to hold up our end of what we agreed to. I have no doubt that you will do the right thing here, no matter how difficult. I know that you're doing a great deal of soul searching, on every aspect of the incident. She is counting on you, and you know that, and I know you will come through for her.
    I'm sending kind thoughts and prayers your way, to both of you, that you will work this through and be blessed with a stronger relationship. Sharing your innermost struggles is a gift to all of us, especially those of us, (H&I), who are still in the earliest of learning stages.

  4. I don't have any lofty thoughts as we have not been doing TTWD very long or very well, but my understanding of it is that it's purpose is to make the relationship better, to bring the two closer. If she is so upset by it that it drives this obvious wedge in between you two, why would you want to do it? Just because you can?

    Why does listening to your wife's feelings and respecting them diminish you as HOH?

    I am sorry if my comment is harsh. I have enjoyed following your blog for a while now.

    I hope things are better today.


  5. Elysia, thanks for your thoughts, your confidence that I'll "come through", and especially your prayers.

    Jenny, Jenny, Jenny (to the tune of Marcia, Marcia, Marcia), if the comments (both blogs) are a referendum, I have already taken a beating and am out for the count. Thanks for the kick in the ribs. I needed that. Uhhhh, do you wear combat boots? OUCH! ;) I hope you continue to look in every now and then. Thanks for your comment.

  6. BabyMan,

    I can see both sides of this one. I can surely understand why Sugar was upset with you, because I am a woman too, and emotionally we are on a completely different plane than you guy's. We are sensitive, okay? Try and remember that much.

    However, I do not really think that you've done anything wrong here. You were being a man. Enough said. And as far as damaging your "Domdenity?" Come On...really? Don't be so insecure! You respected Sugar's wishes, and her feelings. If you ask me, that's the manly-est thing you could have done, and I'm sure she loves you for honoring her desires, and not forcing her to feel exposed or embarrassed. I am not going to kick you in the ribs, lol. You did the right thing.


  7. Jenn, thanks for seeing the whole picture and understanding. I feel a little better about it all. Oh yeah...and thanks for keeping your feet on the ground.

  8. Babyman, I am sorry - I did not see it as a kick in the ribs -which just says I need better glasses. I think I was reacting from some experiences in my past where what I thought didn't count, and I am sorry if I assumed it was the case here. I know you guys have sorted it out in the best possible way and I am very glad for both of you.


  9. Jenny, you're all right with me girl. No apology necessary. Not an ounce of love lost.


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