Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"'Something Certain' and 'A Certain Something'"

“Find the pills, or, find the paddle”. I was direct but not stern. Channeling Ben Stein’s dry, matter of fact delivery (“Anybody?” “Buehler”), I let the words, rather than my tone of voice, carry the promise of the “consequences”.
Sugar searched for a moment but stopped to plead her case: “Sleepy…no pills left…I’ll find them tomorrow”. I didn’t feel the usual pang of anxiety that comes with anticipating her anger (I am often more concerned about that than I let on). And it’s not that I didn’t care – wait a minute. Yes it is. I really didn’t care if she got mad.

“Find the pills, or, find the paddle”, ole greasy-lipped Ben Stein deadpanned to her attempts to weasle out of looking. It’s not that I didn’t care. It’s just that I care too much about her to actually care if this would make her mad. I knew this was for her own good. It was good for her health. It was good for her joy and, ultimately, it was good for OUR joy.

She searched a bit more but the pills turned out to be like “a feather of the state bird”. Let me ask you: Why is it that a feather of the state bird is always the last thing you need from the list to win the scavenger hunt? And, does anyone ever find a feather of the state bird?

The paddle was easier to find.

She had no problem kneeling onto the pillow at my feet. I must say the flesh was strong (even if the spirit was still trying to weasel out of it). I had no qualms about scolding her. She offered no resistance in pulling down her panties. I felt no reservation about folding her over my knee. With her ass raised up in a deliciously vulnerable position, the paddle rained down, with escalating intensity, stroke upon stroke on just the right spot for maximum effect.

We didn’t talk about it afterward. She whimpered off to bed where she slept well. And when I woke up a football game was watching me. Other than her post (and this one of course) it hasn't really been necessary to (insert air quotes) “CommuuuuniCate” as they say. Not this time. This was one of those times when we knew everything we needed to know about the whole situation.

There was “something certain” about the whole thing, namely, that her pills need to always be available and, that her husband will always love her dearly. And there was “a certain something” about the whole thing, namely, her lovely and willful submission (the protest of tears notwithstanding) and, my willing and loving dominance. We both knew that this was both right AND the right time for this precious encounter. It was as if all the forces of the TTWD universe had conspired to heighten our personal resolves and bring us to the intersection where “something certain” meets “a certain something”.


  1. B'Man
    It is so nice to see how much you care about and love SugarAnne.
    I have a feeling that her pill bottle is no longer empty. I hope she is on her way to feeling better.

  2. There is such love in the way you describe this. Thanks for sharing B'Man.

  3. Sounds like you did the right thing, BabyMan! It's hard to remember to take pills sometimes, especially if depression is clouding her thinking. I'm glad you found the right tool to clarify her mind and priorities, for her own sake. :) Hopefully that's one problem solved!


  4. Well done you for spotting she wasn't taking them, and taking decisive action! Davey reminds me night and day to take mine; sometimes I have taken them before the reminder (YAYY) but sometimes not...and I take them as soon as he reminds me, because I know he will worry otherwise. He apologises for nagging me about it, thinking he is being a pain, but I love that he cares so much for me. It gives me a warm feeling...but not the sort Sugar is feeling now!!!! LOL Hugs to you both, xxxxx

  5. "It’s not that I didn’t care. It’s just that I care too much about her to actually care if this would make her mad. I knew this was for her own good. It was good for her health. It was good for her joy and, ultimately, it was good for OUR joy."
    It's picking the lesser of the evils for the greater good of SugarAnne LOL

    Has she got her refill yet?

  6. Thanks for sharing with us BabyMan. It shows how much you care and love SugarAnne.


  7. Your love for SugarAnne just jumps off the computer screen. How nice that you take such good care of him.


  8. Tammy: Taking care of SugarAnne is taking care of my self. And you’re right, the pill bottle is no longer empty. She could be feeling a little better but not to worry Tam, I’ve got her back. : )))))
    It’s good to hear from you. Thanks for visiting!

    Emilie: There’s also love in the application – and it’s my joy to share it. Great to see you!

    RW: I find it hard to remember to take my own pills. But they are always available if I want to. That was the important thing here. But I guess I did do the right thing because just last night she reminded ME! Two problems solved! Thanks for coming over Sis!

    Daisychain: I’ve been very courteous in my reminders. And am quite please when she has taken them on her own. I’m glad you have Davey to nag – er – I mean remind you too! Thanks for commenting!

    Alujna: You’ll be pleased to know that she has her refill and is dutifully taking them – so far. Thanks girl.

    ronnie: You’re very welcome!

    FD: Uuuhhhhhhh...him? Never mind. I think I understand what you meant. And thank you very much for saying so.

  9. B'Man -

    I sincerely sympathize with your gal on this one, do I ever! I have also been kind of negligent about taking my (much needed, not very wanted) medications, and I just had a similar mishap where I stupidly quit taking one altogether and ended up sicker because of it. It's just such a pain (sometimes literally, lol) to have to remember these things every day. I think they ought to put loops on the tops of pill bottles so that we can wear them on chains around our necks or something...probably the only way I'm ever going to remember mine, lol.
    Err, I take that back. I have a sneaking suspicion that J is going to be a little more "on top" of these things from now on ;)


  10. BMan..a great post...you are both lucky...keep up the good work! abby

  11. Jenn: I follow your blog so I KNOW that you understand these things. ;) (Can't seem to sign in for some reason so I don't get to comment). And you're probably right about J being on top of this from now on. Lucky you!

    Abby: Thanks. Love is easy, until it's hard.

  12. I'm all about "communication". And it sounds like you did all the communicating you needed to!


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