To save you a click here is that short post in it's entirety:
“I wasn’t too surprised this morning when SugarAnne granted her “hypothetical” consent to a “hypothetical” domestic discipline style relationship (with a focus spanking). Even though a thick thread of submissiveness has been apparent over the 9 years we’ve been married, Sug’Anne is characterized by what I would call freedom of spirit. Not prone to “wildness” mind you – but to moving about life un-tethered by the “traditional” relational obligations of a telephone call during the day and a report about the day's happenings at night. So I have no idea how such a relationship will shape up over time. But the idea of folding her lovely shape over my knee time after time for "corrrection" is both intriguing, exhilarating and, well, exciting – for both of us.
The heavy – and heady – “hypothetical” responsibility does not escape me either. Of all the key considerations I’ve pondered (and I have pondered much), three very important elements of this "hypothetical" domestic disciplind relationship seem to rise to the top: 1) the need for clear and honest communication is critical; 2) the importance of being trusted is indispensible; and 3) continual growth of mutual respect for each other is invaluable. Those three noble, but fragile, ideals are constantly strived for in most relationships but, it seems, are never fully arrived at. Like playing golf, bowling and ballroom dancing – you rarely feel at the top of your game in these three. And you are always, always in need of improvement.
I wonder: Can I be the Dominant I desire to be? Can I be the "Top" that is screaming to break out? Can I be the Dominant that she would need me to be? Can I be the "Top" that she is silently screaming for? And, most importantly: Can I show sufficient appreciation for such a wonderful gift?”
Over the past year something has changed. Somewhere along the way we went from a “hypothetical” to an "actual" domestic discipline couple. And over the past year something has remained the same. For one, the questions haven't changed. I still constantly wrestle with them and I rarely feel like I’m walking in the fullness of my “Developing Domdentity”.

Is "this thing we do" a human hamster wheel that just goes 'round and 'round? If it is, that's okay. Because one thing's for sure: this past year has made my relationship "legs" stronger for this journey; it has made my body readier for any sacrifice; and, it has made my heart healthier for loving SugarAnne. Going nowhere fast is leading to everywhere I want to be.
Happy Blogiversary, B'Man! One year, huh? That's great! It's also great to see how far you and SA have come in that year, and that you're still holding to those three main foundations. This calls for a celebration, don't you think? ;)
B Man, this is a very powerful post. One of the things I most like about your writing and perspective is the humility (ya, I know...not always ;) but often!) and genuine willingness to explore and grow that you talk about.
ReplyDeleteYour contribution to our collection of voices in this past year has been much appreciated. Thank you!
Wow BMan a year????
ReplyDeleteWhere does time go?
I have been here every step of the way and found two great friends through your journey. Thank you for that.
I think the best advice I have ever received about TTWD is that if you feel like you know exactly what you are doing and that you've got this thing figured out then you probably need to re-evaluate your situation. This thing we do is a constant and continual process of growth and learning.
If you look back at all you and SugarAnne have learned over the past year I bet you never dreamed it was possible. But here you are a year later and if I am guessing right you two have never been happier. So keep up the learning, the growth and the anticipation of all you can achieve in this lifestyle and keep us all anxiously awaiting your next post!
Love ya guys,
You have enriched my life over this past year and I thank God for you both. I wish we could meet up one day, that would be awesome. Congrats on your blog anniversary, and may this be the first of many! Love n hugs to you both, God bless!
"Going nowhere fast is leading to everywhere I want to be".
ReplyDeleteIt has only been a couple of months since I finally decided to face myself.
The challenges are sometimes daunting, wanting, no, needing to leave a country where personal tragedies has left me feeling unsafe and insecure, the changes in me, the uncertainty.
But your post reminded me that all I have to do is to look backwards and see how far I have come, and to lift me head up and realise that I am in motion.
Happy one year Blog anniversary, and truly wishing you and SA only the best for the year ahead.
RW: We’ve built upon an excellent Foundation and come a long way. Celebration? An excellent idea! Did you just sell out your spanko friend? ;) Thanks for your comment and your well wishes.
ReplyDeleteSara, I am quite proud of my humility thankyouverymuch! ;)
Seriously, the past year has been more a work on my self than it has been me working on SugarAnne. “What should I say?” “How can I grow?” “How do I response within the parameters of love within TTWD?” At least that’s been my approach. I’m glad to have contributed my voice and my experiences. And you know, thanks for your priceless contribution as well.
Janet: Yep, you were my first Dd commenter a year ago. And every step of the way you’ve been right there. And you’re right, I can’t think of a more happier season of our lives than this time doing “this thing we do”.
I would’ve recoiled at the thought of meeting real friends through the ‘net back then. But…there y’all are! In-frickin-credible! Thanks for your comment(s) and thanks for being here.
Daisychain: Thanks a bunch hon’. I’m flattered that someone is enriched by our experience but it goes both ways. We’re very thankful to you and the rest of the “neighborhood”. Thanks for looking in Daisy.
RavenRed: You never actually see the hair grow. But after a while you’re combing through a long, thick lustrous mane and showing it off. Growth is slow. It’s hard to remember that in the midst of challenges, trials and tribulations. But if we look forward to looking back I think we’re strengthened for the present challenge and able to persevere. I wish that for you. Thanks for commenting.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you and SugarAnne started TTWD before JJ and I. You have really helped us in our journey and I am thankful you hypothetically experimented and paved the way realistically for us. Both of you have come so far in your relationship, and I look forward to seeing more fruit as you continue to grow.
I can't belive it's been a year already. Belated congratulations. It's been a pleasure to read here BabyMan, thank you.
ReplyDeleteLove to you both,
Congratulations on your first year. Your blog always makes me think as well as smile. I look forward to many more years of reading.
ReplyDeleteBabyMan I am so glad that you started your blog, it makes me laugh and it has made me cry. We have learned so much from your loving ways and your sense of humor just makes it all so much easier. Keep on posting my friend,, Hugs Galway
ReplyDeleteKady: The TTWD highway was paved and striped long before B’Man and SugarAnne stepped onto the path (thank God!). There is still a pothole or two to look out for. But like you guys, we’re thankful that we are able to – and will continue to – follow others. But keep your eyes open. I’ve been known to drive recklessly every now and then. And I’m sure I’ll hit one of those potholes. Thanks for visiting.
ReplyDeleteronnie: That year did go kinda fast didn’t it?! Thanks for hangin’ out here.
Thanks DKFL. But “many more years”?!! OMG! I’m just stringing together one post at a time man. One post at a time. Thanks for coming out of the woods and commenting.
Galwaygiirl: I’m glad I started the blog too. Along with the other blogs in the neighborhood it has been very helpful. “Loving ways and sense of humor…” ha-ha, thanks! From your lips to God’s ears to SugarAnne’s behind! Thanks for being here.
I love your motto B. Man. I hope that you will continue to spank your ever loving wife, for I have always believed that the moment a bride says, "I do", at the altar, the bridegroom has a right to raise her white wedding dress waist high, take down he silk panties, and wallop, her bare bottom. These 'love pats', should continue for the rest of your married life.
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary on your blog! I really enjoy reading both your and SugarAnne's blog. It's neat getting both perspectives sometimes on your feelings to a situation.
I am glad that I found your blog; it is so neat to see a couple such a your guys that have this stuff so figured out; your love for each other permeates every entry. You are both very lucky :)
ReplyDeleteWOW, looks like I picked a good time to start reading. Congrats on the anniversary.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the blog!
That's an interesting philosophy. It seems I’ve been hearing that a lot lately. Thanks for the comment.
Hello Serenity. Thanks a bunch dear. I’m glad you enjoy reading both perspectives. Over there, I’m a “smidgen of a brute” ;) Over here you get the real me. Stick with me.
Surrendering Slowly: “ figured out?!” It’s nice to have people fooled :))) Anything BUT figured out! But yes, we do love each other and “baby I’M the lucky one” (Amy Grant 3:16).
Davey: You too, welcome to the blog! Thanks. I look forward to hearing from you.
What a lovely post. Perhaps it is a hamster wheel, but it is clearly moving you. Your post moved me.
I loved your post,BabyMan.It's a journey for sure.Congrats on the anniversary!
Happy Blog anniversary! :)
ReplyDeleteHere's to many more spanko anniversaries! :)
Maryann: Yes I am being moved. But am also pleased that I've been staying on the foundation. And I am quite pleased to move you too. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMisty: It's just good to have others out there like you to share their journey too. Thanks for the congrats and the visit.
Alujna: Thank you!
Looks like I've picked a great time to start reading too! Happy Blog anniversary!
ReplyDeleteIt's always nice to hear a man's perspective!
Welcome Judy! Thanks for stopping by. You're always welcome here.
ReplyDeleteHello? No post for over a week? Either you haven't caught Sugar up to anything (well done, Sugar!) or, you are poorly/busy?
ReplyDeleteHope all is well. Hugs xxxxxxxxxxx
Daisy: Has it been a week? It's nice to be missed. Thanks. I'll get on it.